Planning - comment on a planning application

You can make comments about a case within the timetable for it. This can be found in the notification sent out by us.

What can you comment on?

Only comments relating to a relevant and material planning consideration can be taken into account in deciding the application. This includes things such as: what will the development look like? Will there be traffic problems? Will any existing features be affected? Will it affect my daylight or sunlight? Will it be noisy ? what possible S106 planning contributions or benefits for the community could be secured from the proposal? or any other planning or environmental issues.

Comments about matters that are not relevant planning considerations will not be taken into account. This includes things such as the effect on the value of your property; competition for your business; the loss of a private view; boundary disputes and comments about the applicant. Objections or comments based on personal grounds, such as the sex or race of the applicant, will not be taken into account in deciding the application.

Comments submitted after the deadline may not be considered.

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