Designated premises supervisor mandatory condition removal form

Application for the mandatory alcohol condition under the
Licensing Act 2003 requiring a Designated Premises Supervisor in
respect of a premises licence to be disapplied

We being a board or committee of individuals with responsibility for the management of the community premises described in Part 1 below, and being the applicant for a premises licence / premises licence holder in respect of those premises apply for the condition referred to in section 19(4) of the Licensing Act 2003 to be included in the licence instead of the conditions referred to in section 19(2) and (3) of the said Act. (see guidance note 2).

(* Required field)

Notes for Guidance

1. This form may be used by a community premises seeking to replace the mandatory conditions in sections 19(2) and 19(3) of the 2003 Act which requires a personal licence holder and Designated Premises Supervisor where a premises allows the supply of alcohol, with the alternative mandatory condition (in section 19(4) of the Act) that the supply of alcohol is instead authorised by the premises licence holder through either:

- applying to remove the mandatory conditions of an existing premise licence which allows the sale of alcohol;

- applying to remove the mandatory conditions when applying for a new premises licence that includes the sale of alcohol; or

- applying to remove the mandatory conditions when applying to vary an existing premises licence to allow the sale of alcohol.

On applying for the removal of the requirement to have a Designated Premises Supervisor, the management committee should understand that if this is granted they will be responsible for all alcohol sales under the licence.

2. The applicant must be a committee or board of individuals with responsibility for the management of the premises – enter name of committee or board.

3. Describe the premises and the management structure. In particular, explain why you consider it to be a community premises i.e. is it available for community benefit most of the time and accessible by a broad range of persons and sectors of the local community for purposes beneficial to the community as a whole. If the community premises is a registered charity, please include its Charity Commission number. Set out how the premises is managed and the structure of the committee or board of individuals with responsibility for its management (including the names of the committee’s of board’s key officers, e.g. the chair, secretary, treasurer).

Please include any documents e.g. a written constitution or other management documents that show the structure of the premises and how it is managed.

Form Progress

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