Make a professional referral

(* Required field)

Screening questions
  1. These questions help us ensure that you are referring to the right service

  2. Is the person you are contacting us about currently living independently in Southwark? *
  3. Are they a Southwark resident in a care setting outside of Southwark *
  4. Are they over 18 years old? *
  5. Are you referring them for Occupational Therapy support only? *
  6. Is the person you are referring aged 18 to 25 and presenting with a ‘severe and profound’ disability? *
  7. Are the main concerns about them due to their mental health? *
  8. Are they aged 65 or over? *
  9. Are the main concerns about them due to a diagnosed learning disability? *
  10. Are they experiencing, or at risk of abuse? *

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