Post 16 Activity Survey

Post 16 Service can signpost you to access impartial information, advice and guidance on post 16 options.

Every year we are required by the Department for Education to verify that all young people in years 12 and 13 who live in Southwark are in education or employment with training and offer support to those not participating.

Please complete the information below so we can update our records.

(* Required field)

Basic details
  1. / /
Contact details

Please complete relevant section based on what you are or will be doing
  1. FE College/Sixth form
  2. Apprenticeship / employment
  3. / /
  4. Not in employment, education or training

Southwark Post 16 Service collects information to deliver our statutory duty in relation to the participation of young people in education, training or employment.
The legal basis for this is: GDPR Article 6 (1e): Processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Local Authority.

Form Progress

0% completed
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

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